Willow Bank Infant School is a small family-oriented school for children aged 4 - 7 years old at the heart of our community.
We share a site with our sister school, Willow Bank Junior School and share many activities with them. There is a separate independent Pre School on our site.
We offer out of school care both before and after school and during school holidays through GetActive Sports.
The school offers a broad and balanced curriculum alongside a range of ‘wow' moments for our children to help them develop into their next phase of education and become kind, nurturing socially aware individuals. We are very proud of our vision that every child should get an hour of play every day with no exceptions using our partner, OPAL, to help us to deliver this.
We underpin what we do at WBIS with six core values - Kindness, Respect, Resilience, Community, Independence and Bravery.
We joined Orchard Learning Alliance because, as members of the School Learning Alliance, we recognised the benefits of growing our network of support, challenge and teamwork across a wider family of schools and we are looking forward to the opportunities that this will create for us in future.
Our Schools